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3 Key Insights from Advertising Content for Lead Generation Webinar

We hope everyone had an enjoyable 4th of July holiday!

As part of our Inbound Journalism series, #TheBrandPublisher's 6/29 episode with Spider Graham encapsulated an important segment of the content publishing process. For marketers who create and use content to drive engagement and build sales pipeline, these are key points we learned from Spider Graham:

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 1. There is no difference between B2B and B2C in promoting content

Whether you're advertising content for consumers or businesses, you're always dealing with people on the other end. Carry the conversation further. Build trust over time. Customers decide based on what's important to them, regardless if the decision is based on a personal or business agenda. Advertising content should work to address the customer need you're trying to solve.


2. Aligning campaign goals with management expectations is not rocket science.

Awareness-building programs are measured by the number of eyeballs gathered around the promoted piece of content. The measure for this objective isn't click-through, but rather the number of views and impressions. Engagement-focused campaigns are appropriately measured based on actions taken by the audience: clicks, downloads, comments, shares, forwards and web-form submissions. If the objective of the content promotion is to draw people to a specific landing page to buy, then the measure would be website traffic, lead-to-conversion rate and conversions. 


"If you don't measure it, it doesn't exist."


3. The role of Facebook and/or LinkedIn in B2B advertising



Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Development Webinar with Brynne Tillman

Social Selling for the B2B Marketer


These are two different places to hold conversations. Depending on your audience profile, use the platform that best reaches your customers. Use content types that best create deeper and personalized experiences for each audience segment. Both platforms have tools for tracking and monitoring page and post performance . These insights help steer marketers in the direction they want to go and tell marketers what they need to know when running a campaign so they can shift gears and make adjustments where needed. Experiment as much as you can. Every brand has a different message. Every offer has a different message. And sometimes it's just timing.

At the end of the day, there are two types of content that work... One that helps educate, and one that inspires action. There is not one magic menu that guarantees success of any campaign. Identify the things that help tell the story. Carry a mindset of continuous improvement. Identify what's working, what's not. Rinse. Repeat.


Get the Webinar Replay


Learn more about advertising content for lead generation by clicking here, or, you can reach Spider Graham at

Catch the next episode of #TheBrandPublisher at noon on Thursday, July 27 when we'll talk about how our Inbound Journalism methodology helps KLAFFS, a home design and furnishing store in Connecticut, generate leads by bringing its brand conversations to a higher plane in the digital marketplace. 

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