Sharing experience, insights and best practices for building SaaS businesses. Clients rely on us to realize the future visions of their organizations. Posts here are based on real-world outcomes and lessons learned from putting marketing to work – marketing that grows software companies like yours.  Let’s build something bigger, together.

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How Smart SaaS Founders Prepare for their First Round of VC Funding

If an investor group handed you a check for $8 million, would you be prepared?The clock starts ticking as soon as the check is deposited. You now have quarterly board meetings. You now have sales targets to hit. That’s a lot to handle when it comes...

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Cover your flank as a new SaaS CMO

Get a solid tactical plan running ASAP so you have the freedom to build strategy.

Congratulations on the new post as CMO. You need to start immediately to prove to your CEO that he/she made the right decision to hire you, or before long, you’ll be...

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7 Things You Can Do NOW to Reduce SaaS Churn in the Pandemic

SaaS CEOs and CMOs should focus as much attention on retention as growth.

It’s an old saw in (the SaaS) business: It’s harder to sell a new client than it is to keep an existing one.

This maxim is consistent with most people’s gut instincts--it...

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Has COVID-19 Infected the Predictable Revenue Model?

Is the era of the BDR function coming to an end?

It's 5:30 on a Friday and my phone rings from an unknown number. I know it's probably a sales call but take it anyway."This is Jason," I say as a cheery female voice asks me if this is a good time to...

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Why Lead Gen Is a Slog for B2B CMOs

Nearly every B2B CMO is under pressure to generate leads, especially when new in the role.

A seminal Forrester report found that less than one percent of B2B leads ever convert into customers. That means that 99 percent of our efforts are...

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