Sharing experience, insights and best practices for building SaaS businesses. Clients rely on us to realize the future visions of their organizations. Posts here are based on real-world outcomes and lessons learned from putting marketing to work – marketing that grows software companies like yours.  Let’s build something bigger, together.

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The New “Bingo Card” – How Lead Qualification from the Age of Print Became Digital

Before inbound marketing became king, print advertising and physical direct mail dominated B2B lead generation. Up until about five years ago, most trade publications offered a reader service – or “bingo” – card in their magazines. Each advertiser...

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Our Favorite Bottom-of-Funnel (BoFu) Type of Premium Content for Inbound Marketing: The Model RFP

Writing an RFP, or request for proposal, can seem overwhelming, even to industry experts. A model RFP provides a template and sample questions that cover the most valuable information a buyer might seek. The Model RFP is a shortcut to solid bids for...

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Thoughts on IBM's 'Thoughts on Cloud'

Austin Lawrence is proud to sponsor and present the New York Inbound Marketing Professionals Meetup, a platform agnostic working group for inbound marketing professionals. Regardless of your inbound marketing software the NYIMP provides a venue...

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What is Account-based Marketing and How Can It Help Align Sales and Marketing to Focus on High Value Customers?

Around since the mid-1990s, Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a marketing strategy that has recently come to the forefront of B2B marketing. It is a recognition that for companies it is not economic to depend on having unknown customers "find them."...

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Content2Revenue vs. Brand Journalism: ROI Focus Makes All the Difference

Marketing is becoming like the fashion business. There are incremental changes and long-term alterations, or modifications that are permanent. The Internet and Google have transformed the marketing, precipitating its own unique set of trends. Fads...

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Inbound Insight: Stay In It to Win It

We live in impatient times. They demand instant gratification – like hungry infants or quarterly-driven Wall Street. This mentality and the short-term expectations it drives affect marketers who, today, are the offensive line of revenue generation....

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LinkedIn Lead Accelerator is Not Enough; You Need Direct Lead Generation to Monetize Thought Leadership Investment

Not All Lead Generation is Equal

Every B2B marketer knows that the purchase process is becoming more and more complex and generating leads has become correspondingly more difficult. With an array of tools to choose from, it’s important to...

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5 Marketing Best Practices Revealed in the State of Inbound 2015 Survey

For the past seven years, the marketing automation firm HubSpot has been surveying top marketing and sales experts to understand the evolution of marketing since the Internet has disrupted consumer purchase patterns and new sales and marketing...

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What is the Difference Between Inbound and Content Marketing?

What is the difference between Inbound and Content Marketing? Although related, the two practices have some key differences that are often confused. Inbound Marketing refers to marketingactivities that bring visitors in, rather than marketers having...

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Achieve Nirvana by Balancing Inbound, Outbound & Sales Prospecting for Breakout B2B Leadgen Results

“Marketing is no longer about shouting in a crowded marketplace. It is about participating in a dialogue with fellow travelers. Marketing is no longer about generating transactions. It is about building relationships. Marketing is no longer about...

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