Sharing experience, insights and best practices for building SaaS businesses. Clients rely on us to realize the future visions of their organizations. Posts here are based on real-world outcomes and lessons learned from putting marketing to work – marketing that grows software companies like yours.  Let’s build something bigger, together.

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Offer - Case Study on Kodak's Chief Packaging Officer: Thought Leadership That Filled the Pipeline

What do you do with a 100-plus-year-old company after it changes from a consumer product manufacturer to a B2B company? Kodak had been fighting to reestablish itself as an expert in material science, imaging, photography and film. Its new customers?...

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How Marketing Can Work Below the Funnel to Help Close Enterprise Sales

In enterprise solution sales, the consideration cycle is very long. It’s not uncommon for a decision to take six months or more from initial inquiry to final presentations and a contract being awarded. It would seem that marketing could have little...

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What Should a Contract with My Marketing Agency Look Like?

Say you’re deep in the selection process for hiring a new agency partner. You have dug into this agency deeply and know it has the capability and domain experience, and you like the team, but it’s important that it conducts business the same way as...

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5 Things to Ask A Content Marketing Agency Before You Hire It

You’ve done your research, conducted interviews and identified a short list of content marketing agencies you’re interested in working with. Now it’s time to start asking more discerning questions so you can narrow the field and select a partner....

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12 Considerations When Choosing Between Two Inbound Marketing Agencies

Picking an agency is a momentous decision and usually comes at a time of change in the organization. Maybe you are a new marketing leader, or there’s a new CEO who has a different vision. Or maybe you’re just not achieving your goals with the agency...

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Nine 2018 Predictions for Inbound Marketing Professionals

I've read a fair amount of listicle predictions posts and feel like there’s a gap in what’s been written about, so I'm putting myself out there and adding my two cents. Beyond just identifying the trends, I'll do my best to give you, the inbound...

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8 INBOUND 2017 Session Review Megapost with Insights You Can Act On

This year HubSpot expanded its product and strategic reach into the full client lifecycle, from initial site visit and marketing qualified lead to sales management and e-commerce to ongoing customer success. INBOUND 2017 was consequently broader and...

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#TheBrandPublisher Feat. KLAFFS Recap: Regional Retailer Gains Competitive Advantage with Online Publication

We were thrilled to share the story behind KLAFFS’ journey to building competitive advantage in last week's episode of #TheBrandPublisher. Below are some tidbits of what we gleaned from that discussion.

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8/8 #TheBrandPublisher Webinar: How a Regional Retailer Is Overcoming Industry Disruption

With a flagship location in Norwalk, Connecticut, 95-year-old regional retailer KLAFFS has always been on the leading edge of home design, offering expertise spanning three generations and top brand names in lighting, kitchens, bathrooms, decorative...

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3 Key Insights from Advertising Content for Lead Generation Webinar

We hope everyone had an enjoyable 4th of July holiday!

As part of our Inbound Journalism series, #TheBrandPublisher's 6/29 episode with Spider Graham encapsulated an important segment of the content publishing process. For marketers who create and ...

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