Sharing experience, insights and best practices for building SaaS businesses. Clients rely on us to realize the future visions of their organizations. Posts here are based on real-world outcomes and lessons learned from putting marketing to work – marketing that grows software companies like yours.  Let’s build something bigger, together.

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Why Nobody Cares About Your Content (Your SEO Content Strategy Sucks)

When it comes to content marketing vs SEO, the biggest question is which is more important for increasing traffic and getting found.

The truth is, content marketing and search engine optimization aren’t mutually exclusive. While creating content is...

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Inbound Marketing Doesn't Work (without Sales Alignment)

Does your marketing team struggle with inbound marketing?

Trick question. Inbound marketing is not the sole responsibility of the marketing team. If your sales and marketing teams are struggling with inbound marketing, the answer could lie in a lack...

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Telling a Story vs. Speeds and Feeds: Presentation Tips for CEOs Seeking Investors or Selling Their Businesses

I had a conversation with the CEO of a startup in the medical devices field recently. We were talking about upcoming presentations to investors and I riffed on some insights that I've developed over the years on what makes a great presentation when...

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Inbound Marketing for Fintech; Is This a Viable Way to Generate Leads, Revenue and Company Viability?

Financial technology is a red-hot space these days. According to CB Insights, through the third quarter of 2017, more than 800 companies received more than $12 billion in VC funding globally. That’s a lot of new technology coming to market, creating...

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The SaaS CEO’s Guide to Content (Inbound) Marketing and Sales

I read an article every week that claims that “Cold Calling is Dead” or some other sales tactic is no longer viable. Marketers are often quick to write obituaries to sales tactics that distract from the inbound marketing method.

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Should You Outsource Your Content Marketing?

Now that lead generation campaigns have become the main driver of B2B marketing for many companies, the question looms, "Should I outsource my content marketing or bring it in-house?"

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Making the Case for Inbound Marketing: How to Sell Inbound to Your Boss

As a marketing leader at your company, you know marketing needs to change to prove value to your company. You recognize that inbound marketing is outperforming traditional marketing, but does your financial-minded CEO or CFO still need convincing?...

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To Succeed as a Thought Leader, the Content of Your Blogging and Public Speaking Must Extend Beyond What You Sell

Thought leadership is a mercurial currency. It’s subjective; though there are some measures we all rely upon — like the number of followers on social media or views on YouTube. Some thought leaders are widely acclaimed and acknowledged (think Simon...

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HubSpot Tips & Tricks: Getting Data into a HubSpot Form from an Outside System by Passing Parameters in the URL

Sometimes there’s data outside of HubSpot that you want to get into the system to enrich the quality of your lead data, help with reporting or drive lead distribution in or another CRM. It should be easy to do (and it is), but there’s...

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How Can Content Marketing Make Your Company More Saleable?

As an entrepreneur, you know that the higher the return on assets your company has, the more valuable the business will be when it’s time to sell. Intangible assets can make your company a more solid investment if the buyer believes these assets...

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